Payday Loan In Toronto
It is the most popular and smartest way to get cash you need quickly. Everyone needs some extra cash for a sudden expense that they are not prepared for like car or home repairs. We understand this and we make it easy for you to get the cash you need faster right on the spot. At Cash Pond, we provide payday loans at manageable rates with no hidden fees or charges. Its quick and hassle free. No credit check required.
Get up to $1500 cash in minutes.
Please bring in the following for a quick approval:
- Valid photo Id
- Most recent paystub or source of income
- Updated recent bank statement
- Personal cheque or pre-authorized debit form
Cost To Borrow & Repayment
Our cost to borrow is $14 for every $100s advanced until your next payday. For the first time you can borrow $200 for free. We are working very hard to putting you first. If you are not 100% happy, simply you can return the money you borrowed free of charge.
You repay your advance by bringing
- cash in person on your next pay day
- debit in person on your next pay day
- you can re-borrow on the spot.
- Personal cheque or pre-authorized debit form
** The maximum allowable cost of borrowing per $100 borrowed in Ontario is $14. We charge $14 per $100 borrowed. On a $500 loan for 14 days, the cost of borrowing is $70, with a total repayment amount of $570 and an APR of 365%. $200 for free promotional rate - Under this offer, on a $500 loan for 14 days, we charge $14 per $100 on the additional $300 borrowed, with a total cost of borrowing of $42, at total repayment amount of $542 and an APR of 218.4%.
NEW! Apply Online For Payday Loan
Use our
online payday loan application form to start pre approval process. As soon we get the information, our customer service representative will get back to you as soon as possible and then you can visit any of our closest location to verify the details. We are committed to make the payday loan process faster and easier for you.